
Mostrar ${remains} mais artigos

Template settings

When creating a Portfoliobox website, you will choose a style: Minimalistic, Medium, or Large. The style chosen will affect different elements of your website: image size, margins, padding, headers, the image caption position, animations, etc. 

Change the default template settings

  1. Go to Styles
  2. Select Template Settings
  3. Edit the template size, the default animations for images and the default hover effect for images 

The new template size, default animations and hover effect won't affect the existing pages. It will apply to new pages only. 

Template sizes

Minimalistic / Small

  • Hover animation: hover-opacity
  • Animation: fade-in
  • Small images
  • Large margins
  • Image title position: Cover or Bottom, depending on the page type
  • Large padding
  • Small Headers

Portfoliobox Template settings - Small


  • Hover animation: hover-opacity
  • Animation: fade-in
  • Medium images
  • Medium margins
  • Image title position: Cover or Bottom, depending on the page type
  • Medium padding
  • Medium Headers

Portfoliobox Template settings - Medium


  • Hover animation: bg-zoom
  • Animation: zoom-in
  • Large images
  • Small margins
  • Image title position: Cover or Overlay, depending on the page type
  • Small padding
  • Large Headers

Portfoliobox Template settings - Large

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Um portfólio online feito para Criativos

Com todas as ferramentas de que um profissional precisa

  • Grelha dinâmica
  • Linhas regulares
  • Número Dourado
  • Proporção Quadrada
  • Alinhar ao Centro
  • Puzzle
  • Aleatório
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Dois-Um
  • Três-Um