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Edit the global styles of your site

Style changes are edits to the look of your site, like fonts, colors, backgrounds and spacing. You can make global style changes under the Styles tab that will apply to your entire website. You can also edit each element on your site separately.

How to access the Global Styles

  1. Go to Styles
  2. In the popup window, under each tab, you can edit different style settings

Global styles

Under the Global Styles tab, you can set your website's overall formatting style. The settings will apply globally to all elements on your site. This can be useful if you don't want to set individual styles for each element: Headers, Paragraphs, Links, Caption titles and subtitles, or Buttons.

Text styles

You can set specific styles for Headers, Text, Caption Titles, Caption Subtitles, and Caption Text. You can edit:

  • Text color
  • Background color
  • Line height and letter spacing
  • Font, font size, font weight and font style
  • Alignment of the text
  • Decoration
  • Uppercase / Lowercase

NB! These settings will apply to all Headers, Text, and Captions on your website and override the ones specified under the Global tab.

Link styles

You can set specific styles for links on your website under the Links tabYou can edit:

  • Text color
  • Background color
  • Text decoration: None, Overline, Underline or Line Through
  • Hover Text color
  • Hover Background color
  • Hover Text decoration: None, Overline, Underline or Line Through

NB! These settings will apply to all the links on your website. You can also edit each link separately.

Button styles

You can set the styles of your buttons under the Buttons tab. You can edit:

  • Border Radius & Width
  • Text Color
  • Background Color
  • Font Size
  • Padding
  • Line Height
  • Letter Spacing
  • Font
  • Text Alignment
  • Font Weight
  • Font Style
  • Text Decoration
  • Uppercase/Lowercase
  • Hover Text Color
  • Hover Background Color

 These settings will apply to all the buttons on your site. You can also edit each button separately.

Add custom CSS

Styles control your site's default CSS — without custom code. However, if you're familiar with CSS and can't find a change you need under Global Styles, you can add CSS under Settings Custom CSS.

NB! Custom CSS may interfere with your site's functionality, and all custom code falls outside Portfoliobox support's scope.

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