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Understand the difference between Page title and SEO title

SEO Title & Description

One of the most important information in the search results is the SEO title and description. It will help potential visitors to understand the purpose of the page.

This is crucial since it might be the key that makes people want to visit your website, especially the title. The title is the largest in the search result, so your eyes will focus on it before the description. Make sure that your title is straightforward and informative. 

SEO title and description example

The SEO title will also be displayed on your browser tab, which will be useful for your visitors navigating your pages. It will help them be aware of which page they are at. 

SEO title - browser tab example

Page Title

The main purpose of the Page title is to make it easier for you, the admin, to browse through your already-created pages. Also, if the SEO title field on your page settings is left empty, our system will use the Page title as the SEO title of the page.

As it is crucial for the SEO of your website, we strongly advise that you start adding your page SEO title & Description right away. You can get started by following our guide about SEO Titles and Descriptions.

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