When signing up to Portfoliobox, you create an account and a website simultaneously. They are distinct but interconnected elements:
- The Account Dashboard is your account's control centre, where you can access various account-related settings and view a comprehensive list of all the websites associated with your account.
- The Website Admin Panel is where you find website-specific controls, allowing you to fine-tune the content, layout, settings, and notifications for each website. You can have multiple websites under a single account.
Sign up for Portfoliobox
- Go to Portfoliobox and click on Create a website at the top right corner.
- Fill in your email address.
- Click on Next.
- Confirm that you're older than 16 and accept the General Terms & Privacy Policy.
- Click on Sign up.
- You are now logged into your new Portfoliobox portfolio.
- You can start creating pages and adding content.
NB! By default, your portfolio is on a free unpublished version. You can upgrade and publish your portfolio from your admin panel.