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Configure Website SEO Settings

Optimising your website for search engines is essential for increasing visibility and improving your search ranking. In Portfoliobox, you can easily manage your website’s SEO settings from the Settings > General Settings section. Here’s a breakdown of the key SEO elements you can configure:

Add an SEO Title

The SEO Title is the title that appears in the browser tab and in search engine results. This title should clearly reflect the content of your page and be optimized for keywords. Search engines use it as a primary ranking factor, so it’s important to keep it relevant and concise.

  • Navigate to Settings > General Settings
  • Enter your desired SEO Title in the provided field.

Add an SEO Description

The SEO Description is the snippet of text that appears under your page’s title in search engine results. This description should give users a brief overview of what your page is about, encouraging them to click through. It’s also important for improving your page’s ranking in search engines.

  • Enter a concise and descriptive SEO Description in the designated field.

Add SEO Keywords (Optional)

While SEO keywords were traditionally used by search engines to index your website, most modern search engines, including Google, no longer prioritise them. However, some older search engines may still reference them. You can add keywords if needed, but they are generally considered outdated.

  • Add your SEO Keywords (if necessary) in the keyword field.

Add a Twitter Username

Adding your Twitter Username enables Twitter cards to be generated when your website is shared on Twitter. This makes your content more engaging and clickable on social media platforms.

  • Input your Twitter Username in the specified field to activate this feature.

Add an SEO Language

The SEO Language setting helps search engines understand the primary language of your website, which can improve search results in regions where your website’s language is spoken.

  • Select the appropriate language for your website in the SEO Language field.

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