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Add an element within a section

How to add an element below the section

Each element in a section is independent from the others. You can add elements below existing elements, e.g. you can add a border under your menu, or a button below a text. You can even reorder the elements.

To add an element below another element:

  1. Right-click on an element
  2. In the Context menu, click Add Element Below.
  3. Select the element you wish to add.

Add elements to pages on your Portfoliobox website

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  • 动态网格
  • 偶行
  • 黄金比例
  • 平方比例
  • 居中对齐
  • 拼图样式
  • 随机样式
  • 水平
  • 水平 2
  • 水平 3
  • 垂直
  • 02:01
  • 03:01